Having pretty much given up the "term warfare" which surrounded "outsider art, vernacular art, self-taught art, eccentric art, art brut, amateur art, sunday painter art, institutionalized art, marginalized art, visionary art, folk art, naive art" and the like in favor of my all- inclusive term "goofy" I hear present a splendid exhibit of some of the goofiest.
E.K. Lund was a part-time magician who lived to the age of 100. From the looks of these cards, that is about one plywood figure a year.
Photo Postcards from Lund's Garden.
See Also "Preacher, Artist, Magician, Centenarian" HERE
You need to put the timeframe in perspective. His gardens were active during the 50's and 60's. The art is comparable to the flannel graph stories that we used to have in Sunday Schools during that time....which may be where the Rev. and Mrs. Lund got their "inspiration". Rev. Lund was a stellar evangelist and usually painted a picture during his sermon, which was dispensed at the end of the sermon. I still remember his booming voice....The couple was friends with my grandparents in Detroit during the depression. Rev. Lund was a contemporary with Harry Houdini....I think some of the showmanship may have rubbed off.