I know the economy is sinking deeper than Mel Gibson's and Lindsay Lohan's butts on a casting couch, but there are still a billion things to be thankful for, and one of the greatest is "Things you Never Knew Existed" the slogan of Johnson Smith and Company. Officially, Johnson Smith is a Mail-Order Retailer, but then so are those jerks who pitch "HeadON" "ActiveON" and several other really expensive placebos, but at least Johnson Smith products work. Some day I'll do a post on HeadON but until then I'll just keep it as my ring tone. I love it when someone calls me while I'm in the library.
Oh wait...Johnson Smith also sells a product known as "Anti-Gray Hair" pills and "Anti-Wrinkle Capsules" so I spoke too soon, but at least they had the good taste to spin off the "Health" aids category into a separate catalog known as "Full of Life."
Johnson Smith has been selling authentic great crap for decades. I'm not sure if the above examples are still available...after all, fake fighting roosters don't stay on the shelf for long...but at one time their catalog was over 500 pages, so there are plenty of things still as good.
How great is Johnson Smith? Well, they had the prescient good taste to advertise in Action Comics #1. You know, the one which introduced Superman, a copy of which once sold for over one million dollars? They might not have reached the audience they were after with that "super-media placement" but they are sure reaching the "upscale" market with it now. They also had an ad in the comic which first introduced Batman. Now that is a good sponsor, but if anyone does come upon those original ads now, it will be with white gloves and tweezers.
In several years, the company will celebrate 100 years of business on these shores. They started off selling rubber stamps, but check their website and wiki article...to say they branched out is like saying Proctor and Gamble is diversified.
Plus, according to their website they are HIRING. (Well...they have a few jobs listed from prior to the recession) So don't go flocking there like gold rush tenderfoots or Oakies looking for gold paved streets ...write first. They are a Mail-Order Company, after all. Throw the also failing post office a bone and buy some gags!
Comical motto ring? Yes, please! I'll take one for each motto.