The family that prays together....Reverend D.T. Morrill and his brother Reverend D.D. Morrill were natives of Newark, New Jersey. The twins have "retained the art of being bachelors" and their revival meetings are conducted with a fifty dollar Calcium Stereoptican outfit which throws a 20 foot image. As you can see here the brothers also had a "$275 dollar tandem bicycle which they use for exercise" and drove over 3,000 miles.
Two Cabinet Card Photographs by Wendt, c. 1880 -1900. Collection Jim Linderman
Wow - interesting. D.T. Morrill married my great great grandparents according to their marriage certificate. I've been trying to find 'church' records and did a Google search and ran across this. Thanks! PS - If you know any more about them or their 'records', please let me know.