A Book Review from the Past and a Web site review from the Present!
One of the most amazing books (make that a series of books) ever is the astounding Household Physician published originally in 1905 with copyright in England by F. S. Woodruff, the book was republished ten years later in the United States, and again in 1923 by J.A. Brown. If you have the slightest interest in medical Illustration, homeopathic medicine, folk medicine or even art, this is an amazing source and SITE...the entire volumes are available online HERE.
A compendium unmatched! The site is sponsored by J. Crow's, a source of herbal medicinals, folk medicines and such.
The claim is made within the preface that "No one who reads this book thoroughly will be often imposed upon thereafter by quack nostrums..." I'm not sure about you, but I have had my fill of quack nostrums, and thus recommend this book.
Now I am not sure I would start here rather then, say, WebMD if I had a medical emergency... but if the bleeding has subsided and the poison has been purged, this makes for an entertaining afternoon. In many cases, the Household Physician is spot on...other times? Eh. Let's just say medicine has progressed a bit since the late 19th century, and bar Republican efforts, it will continue. Speaking of Republican efforts...how come they aren't suing because we are forced to buy AUTO insurance? Isn't that "unconstitutional" too? I'm just asking.
The illustrations are, as you can see. simply extraordinary and I suspect hold up to modern medicine better than the text. No artist is credited in the book, which contains 500 line drawings in addition to the remarkable color plates above (tipped in as a folded group) allowing all to play "invisible man" and marvel. All manner of pompous physicians are credited, but the artists? Not a thing. I loaded "Man" here in reverse so you can put him back together! Anyway, the illustrations and hundreds more are available online HERE.
Have fun...but talk to your doctor first! Numerous copies of the chunky bigassed multi- volume set are available from used book dealers. If you purchase one or all, make sure the inserted color plates have not been torn out. Especially in the Veterinary volume, as the cow is great!
Thank you for posting these beautiful illustrations and for providing the link to the source. I absolutely love anatomical drawings. Best regards from New Hampshire (where you can still register a vehicle without insurance) !!