The first wonderful thing is LISA HIX who over the course of the last few years has written a lively group of articles about the curious angles which hold together the collector's field, and in turn has helped Collector's Weekly become the vibrant, active and always interesting site for ALL folks who do the work of collecting. I say "do the work" as work it is. From picker to shopper, putting together a group of rare objects of any form is a job, and the folks who do it are 50 years ahead of the museums. So pat yourselves on the back everyone. But read Lisa Hix

Lisa is a particular favorite of mine, as she is fearless, clever and her essays always teach while entertaining. You can read her work, which is published frequenty HERE, but in particular, her newest and fascinating DECODING SECRET SOCIETIES: WHAT ARE ALL THOSE OLD BOYS 'CLUBS HIDING? Nice Job Lisa. Lisa receives the Linderman stamp of approval for this article, and the lifetime achievement award for the 10 or 12 quirky subjects she has profiled. Lisa is an up and comer and I am a fan.
The other site I can share as a result of old crusty, freemason is Bruce and Julie Webb, who run the Webb Gallery in Waxahachie, Texas. Honest, informed, fun folks with great stuff. But more pertinent for this post is their wonderful, extraordinary collection of Lodge and Fraternal material they have assembled over a number of years. OFT UNSEEN : ART FROM THE LODGE AND OTHER SECRET SOCIETIES was exhibited and a lovely website display remains which you must see. Ever since I met the couple some 10 or 15 years ago, I always think of them as sharp, Informed and down to earth good people. So browse their WEBB GALLERY WEBSITE too!
Cabinet Card (top) of an anonymous Free Mason No date. Collection Jim Linderman
Linderman Books and ebook downloads for IPad are HERE