Quote and Credit

Quote and Credit


Bill Alexander, African-American Illustrator 78 rpm Record Labels for Roy Milton

Bill Alexander went on to be an illustrator for Eerie magazine, but I have a penchant for his early work illustrating record labels for Jazz and Blues great Roy Milton in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Bill Alexander Illustrated Record Labels for 78rpm recordings Collection Jim Linderman

Antique Folk Art Drawing Man with a Beard Georgia 1888 Drawn on Envelope

Antique Folk Art Drawing "Man with a Beard and Hat" Georgia"  Dated on reverse 1888 Drawn on an envelope.
Collection Jim Linderman
See also the book from Blurb ECCENTRIC FOLK ART DRAWINGS by Jim Linderman available in paperback or affordable instant ebook from Blurb.

42nd Street looking West 1949 from the book TIMES SQUARE SMUT

42nd Street looking West original snapshot 1949 from the book TIMES SQUARE SMUT
Collection Jim Linderman
FREE PREVIEW and orders (ebook $8.99) at LINK

How to Draw Curves with a Straight Line Erotic Etched Drafting Triangle

How to Draw Curves with a Straight Line?  I guess use this large (18" tall) Triangle drafting tool.  Etched and Inked by hand!  Our draftsman had something on his mind other than work.  Maybe a new tattoo?

Hand-etched erotic Drawing / Drafting Triangle.  Collection Jim Linderman

Best Dogs Hand-Painted Turn of the Century Scrapbook with Canine Cut-Ups

Hand-Painted Turn of the Century Scrapbook with Canine Cut-Ups.  No Date, circa 1920, I believe collected and collaged by a young girl.  Collection Jim Linderman

Concrete African-American Man Flower Pot Decoration

Concrete African-American Man Flower Pot Decoration, made in a mold and painted by hand.  No date. 

Shooting Gallery Carnival Sideshow Hand-Painted Sign Banner

Shooting Gallery Carnival Sideshow Hand-Painted Sign Banner on canvas.  Somewhat cryptic instructions.  "Shoot off Hand?"  Mid 20th Century collection Jim Linderman

Antique Nantucket Whirligig and Weathervane Late 19th Early 20th Century

Late 19th / Early 20th Century.  You'll see that phrase often describing American folk art Sculpture.  A real photo postcard dated 1914.  Was this fellow in business 14 years earlier?  Probably.  This "Nantucket Merchant" has the standard Sailor whirligig and Whale weathervane, but the art-twirling Bear (second from left) never really took off.  It's up to you if the crow on the right is real or not...cheap printing.  Most of the crows around here won't let you get too close.  (See his competitor below on the back cover of our new book)
Original Real Photo Postcard 1914 Collection Jim Linderman.
 SEE ALSO THE BOOK AND EBOOK IN SITU : AMERICAN FOLK ART IN PLACE available for ordering from Blurb. com by Jim Linderman.  250 Pages of forgotten folk art environments, trade signs in place and more. 

Old Folk Art Primitive Goose in Flight Whirligig

Old Folk Art Primitive Goose in Flight Whirligig.  Abstracted Sculpture bird form.  Circa 1950.  Collection Jim Linderman

Antique Southern Hooked Rugs Folk Art from Georgia RPPC Collection Jim Linderman

Adairsville, Georgia is about halfway between Atlanta, GA and Chattanooga, TN.  Route 75 probably allows one to skirt the roadside craft folk one could have run into during the 1930s, but it looks like Mrs. J. A. Greene did all right. Hooked Rugs and knick-knacks of wood likely made by her son.  Folk Art of the rural South.   RPPC dated 1941 Collection Jim Linderman

Hong Kong Beatniks

MAN ITS COOL!  OH MAN ITS AWAY OUT!  My long beatnik cigarette holder is good, because my hip doctor dadio told me to "stay away from cigarettes!"
Imported Hong Kong popular culture. Thanks and a way-out howl to Box Lot on Ebay.