Jim Linderman blog about surface, wear, form and authenticity in self-taught art, outsider art, antique american folk art, antiques and photography.
Best Crayon Exercises Original Crayon Drawings collection Jim Linderman
The most popular crayon is of course Crayola, which were introduced in the early 1900s. It didn't take long for them to be incorporated into artistic endeavors. These come from a sketchbook circa 1910.
Original Crayon Design Drawings circa 1910 collection Jim Linderman
Hopalong Cassidy Keeps Riding
Hopalong Cassidy (and Topper) keep riding eight years after the television show ends.
Anonymous snapshot 1962 collection Jim Linderman
Wee Man or Trick? A Fine Example of Early Trick Photography
A FINE Example of early (if primitive and rudimentary) Trick Photography
Anonymous photograph, circa 1935 collection Jim Linderman
Books and Ebooks by the author are available HERE
Anonymous photograph, circa 1935 collection Jim Linderman
Books and Ebooks by the author are available HERE
Crap Shooting A PAIR (of photographs) Rolling Dice Found Photographs
We roll a pair of found photographs. Two early snapshots of "Olie Pitching craps" circa 1950?
Collection Jim Linderman
Speculation on a Found Photograph Pinup in the Office and Starting Anew
An anonymous boss seemingly creates a less than harassment-free work environment in this found photograph snapshot. Let's examine it!
If I am not mistaken, the year on the pin-up calendar is 1945. Squint. Odd that the calendar has been placed OVER another poster, unless you consider it was the end of World War Two. One way to celebrate the start of a fresh, war-free year? Cover up the World War Two propaganda. Then roll up your sleeves and get back to work. Maybe this photo shows two "Rosie Riviters" out of dungarees and back to work at the office.
Not speculation, but old fashioned pin-up gawking reveals another tidbit. The dame with nice gams was rendered by painter Rolf Armstrong, I believe.
Snapshot circa 1945 collection Jim Linderman
Boy Scout Vintage Folk Art Sculpture Pharrell Williams and Baden Powell
By all accounts, bright star of the year is Pharrell, and his recent performance on the Grammy show with NILE RODGERS, praise be to him...was a sensation. Pharrell is a genius and I am glad to be sharing time and space with him. He appears to be, literally, one of those performers we are lucky to have while we are here. But while his hat is from Vivienne Westwood, I think Robert Baden Powell created it.
Original Relief Carved Boy Scout Folk Art Carving Collection Jim Linderman
Boyscout Photo from Wikipedia
Pharrell Photo Red Bubble HERE
Best Bulldog Vintage Folk Art Dog Sculpture
Vintage Bulldog Folk Art Sculpture carving no date Original Paint Collection Jim Linderman
Books and $5.99 ebooks for iPad available HERE
1957 Dancers Original Snapshot Collection Jim Linderman

1957 Dancers Original Snapshot Collection Jim Linderman
Bug-a-Boo What is a Bugaboo? And WHO is the Most Famous Woman in the World?
Bug-a-Boo was a term first used in 1598. It was originally, I guess, an imaginary something which causes great fear. A ghost, poltergeist, bogeyman…a spirit. Most famously, it was the pre-Beyonce song by her group Destiny's Child in 1999. She was great then too. Incredible great, actually. Already a Star, but not yet Stratospheric. She would be. I believe, actually, that Beyonce is today the most famous woman in the world.
Forbes puts her just below that creep Meg Whitman (who helped invent eBay then helped ruin it) on their list of "Most Powerful Women" for some absurd, scary reason which makes no sense, but it isn't a fame list. Ask someone in the rest of the world who Meg Whitman is, and then ask them who Beyonce Knowles Jay-Zee is. I guarantee you will get A. puzzled looks. B. EVERY SINGLE HAND raised. For some ill-informed reason, the New York Times, "paper of record" once said Meg Whitman had a good chance of one day being the first woman president. Shudder. At least THAT notion has evaporated, along with her reputation, if not her billions. I'll wait for the Times retraction. Beyonce, on the other hand, had earned her billions. Here she is, below, her destiny awaiting her in 1999.
I found the lyrics to Bugaboo on one of those sites which freeze your computer, so don't bother. In the song, Beyonce breaks her lease to get away from her bugaboo. They sample TOTO of all things. The Merriam-Webster, hoping to get into the social-sharing data collection game, I guess, now asks "What made you want to look up Bugaboo? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Here are a few of them. Sure enough, the song sent some searching, but you'll see also stories of Dr. Phil, the graft policy of Nigeria, and one plaintive comment query "my co-worker told me it was a racial slur."
I appreciate that the young woman above took the time to look it up. She has my vote. The little lapel pin sent ME on my search, but I didn't take the time to let the cyber-dictionary know.
If it is a slur, it would be yet more bad news for the makers of the Bugaboo baby stroller, which was once recalled by the Consumer Product Safety folks because it spilled your baby on the concrete.
Enjoy Destiny's Child. Don't be scared.
Forbes puts her just below that creep Meg Whitman (who helped invent eBay then helped ruin it) on their list of "Most Powerful Women" for some absurd, scary reason which makes no sense, but it isn't a fame list. Ask someone in the rest of the world who Meg Whitman is, and then ask them who Beyonce Knowles Jay-Zee is. I guarantee you will get A. puzzled looks. B. EVERY SINGLE HAND raised. For some ill-informed reason, the New York Times, "paper of record" once said Meg Whitman had a good chance of one day being the first woman president. Shudder. At least THAT notion has evaporated, along with her reputation, if not her billions. I'll wait for the Times retraction. Beyonce, on the other hand, had earned her billions. Here she is, below, her destiny awaiting her in 1999.
I found the lyrics to Bugaboo on one of those sites which freeze your computer, so don't bother. In the song, Beyonce breaks her lease to get away from her bugaboo. They sample TOTO of all things. The Merriam-Webster, hoping to get into the social-sharing data collection game, I guess, now asks "What made you want to look up Bugaboo? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Here are a few of them. Sure enough, the song sent some searching, but you'll see also stories of Dr. Phil, the graft policy of Nigeria, and one plaintive comment query "my co-worker told me it was a racial slur."
I appreciate that the young woman above took the time to look it up. She has my vote. The little lapel pin sent ME on my search, but I didn't take the time to let the cyber-dictionary know.
If it is a slur, it would be yet more bad news for the makers of the Bugaboo baby stroller, which was once recalled by the Consumer Product Safety folks because it spilled your baby on the concrete.
Enjoy Destiny's Child. Don't be scared.
Wayne and Lori on the Yellow Brick Road
Wayne and Lori on the Yellow Brick Road No Date Original Snapshot Collection Jim Linderman
Books by the author available HERE
Scarecrow Bess and Jiggs American Laundry Picnic Campau Lake Michigan 1928
Scarecrow Bess and Jiggs American Laundry Picnic Campau Lake Michigan 1928 Original shapshot found photograph Collection Jim Linderman
Antique Folk Art Sculpture Standing Figure Northwest 19th Century Inuit (?)
Antique Folk Art Sculpture Standing Figure Northwest 19th Century Inuit (?)
Collection Jim Linderman
Perry's Nut House
At one time, there were "over a hundred other interesting exhibits to see" and they still have them.
Wooden Man in Coffin Erotic Folk Art Sculpture Carving
Folk Art Carving of a Man in Sliding Lid Coffin with a surprisingly large (Choose from Following:)
- ankle spanker
- baby-arm
- beaver basher
- bed snake
- best friend
- blue-vein sausage
- penis sangbo nam rod
- baby-maker
- bell on a pole
- beef whistle
- boomstick
- burrito
- bishop
- bratwurst
- braciole
- candle
- captain
- choad
- chopper
- cock
- cranny axe
- cum gun
- custard launcher
- dagger
- deep-V diver
- dick
- dickie
- ding dong mcdork
- dingus
- disco stick
- dog head
- drum stick
- dong
- donger
- dork
- dude piston
- dragon
- eggroll
- Easy Rider
- Excalibur
- fang
- ferret
- flesh flute
- flesh tower
- foto
- fire hose
- fuck rod
- fuck stick
- fudge sickle
- fun stick
- groin ferret
- giggle stick
- goofy goober
- hairy hotdog
- heat-seeking moisture missile
- helmet head
- hose
- hog
- jackhammer
- Jimmy
- John
- Johnson
- John Thomas (dated)
- joystick
- kickstand
- king sebastian
- knob
- krull the warrior king
- lap rocket
- leaky hose
- lingam
- little Alex
- little Bob
- little Elvis
- lizard (as in "drain the...")
- longfellow
- love muscle
- love rod
- love stick
- love whistle
- luigi
- manhood
- man umbrella
- meat popsicle
- meat stick
- meat sword
- meat injection
- member
- meter long king kong dong
- microphone
- middle stump
- mushroom head
- mutton
- netherrod
- old boy
- old fellow
- old man
- one-eyed anaconda
- one-eyed trouser-snake (Australia, UK)
- one-eyed monster
- one-eyed wonder weasel
- one-eyed yogurt slinger
- pecker
- Pedro
- peepee (children's term)
- Percy
- peter
- Pied Piper
- Pig skin bus
- pink oboe
- pink torpedo
- piss weasle
- piston
- plug
- pnor
- poinswatter
- pork sword
- prick
- princess sophia
- private eye
- private part
- purple-helmeted warrior of love
- purple-headed yogurt flinger
- quiver bone
- rod
- rod of pleasure
- roundhead
- sausage
- sebastianic sword
- schlong
- schlong dongadoodle
- schmuck, shmuck (Yiddish)
- schnitzel
- schwanz
- schwarz
- sea monster (as in "drain the...")
- shaft
- short arm
- skin flute
- soldier
- spawn hammer
- stick shift
- sub
- surfboard
- Tallywhacker
- Tan Bannana
- tassle
- third leg
- thumper
- thunderbird 3
- thundersword
- tinker
- todger (Australia, UK)
- tonk
- tool
- trouser snake
- tubesteak
- twig (& berries)
- twinkie
- uncle dick
- vein
- wand
- wang
- wang doodle
- wanger
- wedding tackle
- wee wee
- whoopie stick
- wiener
- Wiener Schnitzel
- wick
- willy (children's term)
- wing dang doodle
- winkie (children's term)
- yingyang
- yogurt gun
- diddle
- Thing
- To Be Continued by Future Generations...
Photographs from THE BIRTH OF ROCK AND ROLL book by Jim Linderman COMING SOON
Meet the Pacers Black Motorcycle Club Polaroid Photographs
Meet the Pacers Black Motorcycle Club Polaroid Photographs
No Date (circa 1970?) Collection Jim Linderman
Books and $5.99 ebooks by Jim Linderman available HERE
Daniel Rose Folk Art in Bottles Master Whimsey carvings in Bottles Folk Art Sculpture
Daniel Rose Folk Art in Bottles Master Whimsey Folk Art Sculpture.
What is known about Whimsey in a Bottle carver Daniel Rose comes from "Genius in a Bottle" by Susan D. Jones, or at least the website devoted to same. The book is sold out, but the extensive website provides all you would want to know about Ships in a Bottle, Whimseys, you name it. Fantastic research, and deserving your attention.
I do not know if the book contains these images I was fortunate to acquire, but they are wonderful.
As you can see, Mr. Rose created his amazing carved constructions in miniature while handicapped…through considerable persistence. Folk Art in Bottles contains a picture of one of his bottles HERE. He signed his work, so you can all pick up your bottles and see if there is anything written on the base.
Mr. Rose lived in Johnstown, PA, born 1871. He passed away in an automobile accident at the age of 51. He apparently created some 120 works of art in bottles. Recognized for his work during his lifetime by an article in the Christian Science Monitor, I hope these real photo postcards produced during his lifetime will bring him more recognition.
Pair of Daniel rose Real Photo Postcards circa 1910. Collection Jim Linderman
Folk Art Carving Sculpture Walking Crybaby Collection Jim Linderman
An unusual folk art carving in that there is movement...little Jr. is walking..but he also appears to be crying. No Date Collection Jim Linderman
Madam Mohonga Carparsa Performs for the Baptists 1902
Madam Mohonga Carparsa from Liberia entertains Baptists in 1902. Antique Showcard
Collection Jim Linderman
Miniature Turn of the Century Carved Folk Art Woman's Head Sculpture
Simple, primitive elegance here. Two inches tall hand carved woman with stylized hair.
Circa 1930 Collection Jim Linderman
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