As Kodachrome fades into fuzzy, unfocused memory, I present here just about the only thing left to develop. MIRACLE FOTO! The "Fingers" Game with photographs you develop at home. Presented by Pic-Tease, one of the finest providers of Hollywood Lovelies. But it isn't enough for you to create actual photographs at home, there is a game involved too! As you see on the reverse, one must "guess the fingers" As you can see in the only "developed" card in the set, our lovely here has a full set of ten digits AND two "bonus" nubs I had to black out. But you get the point, and the have indicated a "10" on the card. That is for her fingers, not a sexist scale rating her beauty. The instructions ask one to wet the crepe paper which comes with each card, and press it against the reverse until the miracle foto appears!
Being a collector, I am saving them all in the original box, as I hope the Kinsey Institute will bid high for the set on day. I find nothing on the web about these miracle fotos, the manufacturer did also produce "Miracle Derby Cards" so they clearly did intend the placing of bets. As such, and given the risque images, I suspect these were, at the time they were made, Illegal and that is why they are scarce.
Set of Miracle Fotos Pic Tease cards. Collection Jim Linderman Date Unknown (1935?)
Did you end up selling these?