The unfamiliar jargon and sheer multitude of options is overwhelming. Ombre, cordet, guimpe, organdy? Velvanna, nubby, sport fingering, wool-o-nyl? I can't tell where a trademark meets a technique.
Peter Pan Yarn Sample Card c.1955 Collection Jim Linderman
Hee hee. QAULITY SAMPLE, anyone? How DID people live before spellcheck?
ReplyDeleteWow...you're good! I didn't even notice it. I hope you work in quality control. Thanks for pointing it out.
ReplyDeleteThey may have misspelled "quality" but they did make quality yarn. I picked up a box @ a thrift shop - 10 skeins of Aqua Velvanna in the original box. Every skein is perfect!!! The color is beautiful!