Jim Linderman blog about surface, wear, form and authenticity in self-taught art, outsider art, antique american folk art, antiques and photography.
Folk Art Tramp Art Chewing Gum Wrapper Chain Collection Jim Linderman
Chewing Gun Chain.
The average price of a pack of gum is $1.58 according to the Wall Street Journal. Consequently, the gum market is flat. Not that you can use a gum wrapper to make a chain anymore. The manufacturers have eliminated your raw material!
The fellow below recommends using Starburst wrappers. Watch carefully and you will see he also recommends throwing away the gum. My chain here is ten feet long. Not bad, but record holder Gary Duschl, who seems like a nice guy, has one 74,216 feet long. For a professional competitor, Gary seems awful nice to share his technique.
This really doesn't fit the definition of Tramp Art, as not many fathers would like anyone calling their gum-chewing kid a tramp, but it is clearly related. A dying Folk Art? Yes.
Ten foot long Chewing Gum Wrapper circa 1960? Collection Jim Linderman
SEE BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR HERE. ALL ARE AVAILABLE AS EBOOKS FOR IPAD ($5.99) Click on each for free previews and ordering.
Andi Gustavson and the Personal Pin-up Project Love and Humanity During Wartime in Photographs
What could well be among the most meaningful uses of photography has gone all but undocumented, but doctoral candidate and researcher Andi Gustavson is compiling AND sharing the humble objects in a remarkable new database. Gustavson has created THE PERSONAL PIN-UP PROJECT which is a remarkable way to collect, archive and share that most precious of photographs. The ones carried into war by loved ones.
Andi is a P.H.D student at the University of Texas at Austin and a teacher of American Photography and visual culture. As she writes, "I am collecting the private photographs that service members carried or kept with them during their time in the military. These personal “pin-ups” can be snapshots of loved ones taken by the soldiers themselves or pictures of women or men who posed for the camera and then sent that snapshot off to war. I am looking for the photograph kept in the pocket, or worn in the helmet, or hidden in the gear of each service member. These images of loved ones do not often make their way into archives or art galleries. And yet, if most military members had one special photograph with them when they went away to war, then there must be thousands of these snapshots—in shoe boxes under beds, tucked into the back of closets, left in journals or letters, or stored on cellphones. The Personal Pin-up Project brings together the private images scattered across thousands of homes into a public and digital archive."
The Personal Pin-up Project is a public digital archive of the private images taken and kept by many American veterans and their loved ones. There is currently no archival repository to collect such a specific subset of war-related photographs that were, nevertheless, very common. It is also a practice not only never documented, it is the most profound and deep function of a photograph imaginable. An image of a loved one, miles away, preciously saved as a reminder, a talisman, an object to be loved, shared and treasured. What more important function can a humble picture have?
Ms. Gustavson has hit on a universal truth and heart-wrenching practice previously ignored. She has the site up and running. It allows anyone to upload a photograph of their loved one as a tribute and an honor. The person who they carried with them during the most difficult and testing challenges they would ever face. It is fair to say every single soldier, regardless of gender or rank, had a precious image they carried. While Andi's emphasis is on Cold War images, she recognizes that with digital technology, the intimate and personal pictures may have changed form, but their purpose remains the same: a small bit of humanity in the least human situations.
Take a moment to browse the website Andi Gustavson has created which allows participation from any soldier or veteran. The project is just getting off the ground, but it offers a splendid opportunity for anyone to create a tribute to their loved ones who helped them survive the unfortunate brutality of war. You may wish to share the links with family members.
FOR INFORMATION OR QUERIES CONTACT WRITE personalpinupproject@gmail.com
Musicianers Blues Musicians from the 1940s Original Photograph collection Jim Linderman
We'll never know who these guys are, but original period snapshots of performing blues musicians from this period, likely 1940 to 1950, are scarce.
I'm way behind schedule, but THIS is coming one day.
Anonymous Snapshot, circa 1940 - 1950? Collection Jim Linderman
Rubble in Kennebunk Press Photograph of Religious Intolerance Enhanced by Hand
An anonymous artist has touched up the rubble before publication in this original 1940 press photograph of a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall which was attacked by a mob in Kennebunk, Maine. I guess the photograph wasn't rubbly enough. The mugs standing around are. The photo editor has touched up a few creased pants too...pictures DO lie.
That year, the Supreme Court ruled a school district could require students to salute the flag. The Jehovah's had a problem with that…and numerous mobs had a problem with the Jehovah's. The ruling unleashed a torrent of attacks on those who practiced the religion.
According to Wiki, the case "... resulted in a wave of persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses. Lillian Gobitas later characterized the violence as "open season on Jehovah’s Witnesses." The American Civil Liberties Union recorded 1,488 attacks on Witnesses in over 300 communities between May and October 1940. Angry mobs assaulted Witnesses, destroyed their property, boycotted their businesses and vandalized their places of worship. Less than a week after the court decision, a Kingdom Hall in Kennebunk, Maine was burnt down."
Well, it's still standing, so it wasn't "burnt down" but it certainly looks like there wasn't a whole lot of religious tolerance going on.
Original Press photograph, Anonymous, enhanced by hand for publication 1940 Collection Jim Linderman
Gasoline Powered Ice Racer from the 1930s. Frozen Daredevils
Looks like a contraption from a 1930s Popular Mechanics cover. Check the engine on this contraption. Most ice vehicles, or skimmers, or ice mobiles, or I have no idea what, are made with sails and operate on wind power. These hopped up speedster guys made a real ice machine. Ice Racing or snowmobile prototype? Summer sport in Michigan!
Snapshots of an Ice Vehicle No Date (1930s?) Collection Jim Linderman
Carved Folk Art Dancing Man on a Stick with Bowtie Articulated Figure collection Jim Linderman
Carved Folk Art Dancing Man on a Stick with Bowtie
Articulated Figure circa 1940 collection Jim Linderman
Bible Beehive Dexterity Game Bonus Post (from the old time religion blog)
Bible Beehive Dexterity Game! (Idle hands are the Devil's playground)
Bonus Post (from the old time religion blog by the same author)
Busy Hands Bible Game (no date) Collection Jim Linderman
Hot as Coal
Anyone east of Big Muddy will understand this today.
Salesman Sample for Matchbook cover circa 1940 Collection Jim Linderman
Art and Photography books and ebooks by Jim Linderman available HERE
Amateur Hour Contortionist? Show Business Philadelphia 1950 by Robert Jones
Looks like a television studio with a well balanced performer. Amateur Hour?
Pair of photographs by Robert L. Jones Philadelphia PA 1950 Collection Jim Linderman
BOOKS AND $5.99 ebooks on Art and Photography by Jim Linderman HERE
Pair of photographs by Robert L. Jones Philadelphia PA 1950 Collection Jim Linderman
BOOKS AND $5.99 ebooks on Art and Photography by Jim Linderman HERE
OH MIN! Hand Painted Folk Art Sign Oh Min ?
The seller and I at an outdoor antique show debated over the meaning of this hand-painted sign. A bad OMEN? A preacher exclaiming AMEN? It cost ten bucks and I bought it just to figure it out, which is usually the case with objects I post here.

It turns out OH MIN was the exclamation cartoon character Andy Gump used when complaining to his wife Minerva. The Marriott? I have no idea. Family name for this sign which may have identified a residence? Along the beaches in Michigan, it is not unusual for families to hang goofy signs in the woods to help folks find the place. That's my guess.
"Oh Min" Hand-painted sign. Circa 1930. Collection Jim Linderman
Christian Preacher and Evangelist W. V. Grant Mortal Conduit for God
Christian Preacher and Evangelist W. V. Grant uses a selection of sepia stock photos to help fill his pockets. According to Wiki, the ex-con has claimed he isn't a faith healer, but IS a "mortal conduit" for same. One of God's chosen ambassadors, I guess. Grant's father was in the same game. His "religious service" is an act aimed at anyone suffering from the worst affliction: Blind faith. A nice video of the fraudster follows.
I have assembled a nice little collection of Grant's tracts (thousands of which have sold for $1.00 each) which will be featured in a series of miracles of my OWN on the old time religion site.
CLICK HERE to send a Prayer Request directly through electronic conduit to Reverend Grant! He is waiting for your mail.
My OWN books, which I am afraid cost more than a dollar, are available HERE
Buy the eBooks, they are cheaper.
I have assembled a nice little collection of Grant's tracts (thousands of which have sold for $1.00 each) which will be featured in a series of miracles of my OWN on the old time religion site.
CLICK HERE to send a Prayer Request directly through electronic conduit to Reverend Grant! He is waiting for your mail.
My OWN books, which I am afraid cost more than a dollar, are available HERE
Buy the eBooks, they are cheaper.
In Honor of the Roswell Anniversary, My Personal Collection of ACTUAL UFO PHOTOGRAPHS

Every serious photography collection should have a few original snapshots of Unidentified Flying Objects. These are original Kodachrome photos from a set dated 1964. I believe, I believe!

All above DATED and AUTHENTICATED by my own alien contacts.
Five color Kodachrome Print Snapshots 1964 Collection Jim Linderman
Kopeefun Fun!
It is a double delight on Dull Tool Dm Bulb today. The sister blog shows some risque versions of kopeefun! Have fun!
Original Kopeefun Magic Sheets (Used) circa 1945 Collection Jim Linderman
Courtship from The Birth of Rock and Roll Book available NOW by Jim Linderman
"Courtship" (or The Birth of Rock and Roll) Vintage snapshot c. 1960.
Original Snapshot circa 1950 collection Jim Linderman
Original Snapshot circa 1950 collection Jim Linderman
July 4th 1939 Lou Gehrig Day The Luckiest... Anonymous Painting of 1939
Yes, it is July 4th, Independence day, but it is also Lou Gehrig Day. July 4, 1939, one of our greatest baseball players took to the field and Yankee Stadium to acknowledge the crowds. Movietone was there to record it, and it obviously moved the young artist here.
Lou was sick when he stood before the microphone. No one had even heard of hockey then, and basketball was still a joke. We had one sport and Lou was the epitome of it. Of all his accomplishments, the greatest was that he played 2,130 games in a row. From 1925 to 1939. Have YOU ever called in sick? Lou didn't. Not once. And all they had back then was aspirin.
The anonymous painting here, too large for my scanner, was found folded in a "one dollar" basket at the end of a table at a garage sale. Who would throw this out?
Anonymous Child's Painting of Lou Gehrig Day. Date, possible, 1939 Collection Jim Linderman
Preview and purchase Art and Photography books (paper or $5.99 ebook) by Jim Linderman HERE.
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