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Quote and Credit


A Good Game of Horseshoe Pitching Picture collection Jim Linderman

Collection Jim Linderman Dull Tool Dim Bulb


Link to the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association HERE

Original Photograph, no date (c. 1900?)  Collection Jim Linderman

Browse and Order Jim Linderman Books and Ebooks ($5.99 each) HERE at Blurb.com

How to Make Magic (Number One)

A group of well-guarded secrets No Date  COLLECTION JIM LINDERMAN

Proto Porn book by Jim Linderman in THINGS Magazine

Things Magazine has run a nice little blurb on the book PROTO-PORN: The Art Figure Study Scam of the 1950sThings is lovely, a magazine and weblog about objects, collections and discoveries... and this is much appreciated.

‘During the 1950s, under the quasi-legal rubric and ruse of “Art and Photo Figure Studies” hundreds of soft-core digest books featuring blurry photos of semi-naked women were sold by the truckload to a willing, greedy and needy consumer market’: the story of Proto-Porn: The Art Figure Study Scam, one of several publications by Jim Linderman, keeper of the (somewhat nsfw) Vintage Sleaze weblog. This is of course Taschen territory as well: American Pin Ups, Gil Elvgren, 1000 Pin-up Girls, etc. etc"

Things Magazine is HERE and highly recommended.

Two Fiddlers Fiddling Tintype collection Jim Linderman Ferrotype

A fine pair of fiddlers  Tintype circa 1870 Collection Jim Linderman

See Jim Linderman Books and Ebooks for the iPad HERE

World's Smallest Carvers! Engraved Copper Plate Folk Art Eagle


A tiny copper plate engraving with a pennysworth of Honest Abe for size comparison.  It occurs to me that engravers are actually carvers...very skilled carvers with a steady hand.  I have yet to see a chain-saw engraving.

Copper decorative folk art hand engraving No Date Collection Jim Linderman

Browse Dull Tool Dim Bulb ebooks HERE

Fat Man Tintype Circus Sideshow or Just a Large Man? Collection Jim Linderman

Certainly the largest man I've ever seen fit onto a tintype.  Sideshow performer or just portly?

Tintype circa 1870 collection Jim Linderman


Fake Native American Band RPPC Real Photo Postcard collection Jim Linderman

Real Photo Postcard circa 1910 Collection Jim Linderman

Browse and Purchase Dull Tool Dim Bulb Books and EBOOKS ($5.99)  HERE

The Albatross of Maine Charles Tower's Fantasy Bird from the Insane Hospital collection Jim Linderman

The Insane Hospital of Augusta, Maine opened in 1840, but much of it burned down ten years later.  Since there were so many insane people in Maine  (they turned down 100 applications for lack of space) they rebuilt in 1854.  By 1900 they had over 1,000 inhabitants.

I do not know when Charles Tower was admitted, but this drawing and fantasy story about the Albatross of Maine was certainly done before 1900.  You can read it, but I think it made more sense to Charles than it will to you.

Letter and Drawing by Charles W. Tower, Augusta Insane Hospital circa 1880?  Collection Jim Linderman

Browse and Order Jim Linderman Ebooks and Books HERE

School for Boys Graduating Class By the Numbers


Someone went to plenty of trouble identifying all the young men here.  A few gaps, but not bad.  There are three boys named Morris, each further indicated by additional numbers on the reverse! (Morris number 2, Morris number 3...but I suspect they went by other nicknames, like "big" Morris and "stinky" Morris or something)  The  fellows in back graduated, and most of them went on to grade A schools.  

Where and When?  Couldn't tell you, but one of the lads was from Cleveland.

Class Portrait, circa 1910?  Original Photograph, 6" x 9" Collection Jim Linderman
Browse or Order Jim Linderman Ebooks ($5.99) and Books HERE

Wyoming Cowboys Roll into Town on a Float

Click to Enlarge Fake Cowboys
The Wyoming Cowboys roll into Cleveland on a float...I will refrain from saying these rough and tough hombres are "floating" into town, but I gotta say they look like tenderfoots to me.   Their dates look a bit surly, ornery and peeved though.

Original Snapshot, no date Collection Jim Linderman

Buyer Beware Folk Art This Little Piggy Went to Market

All sold within the last few weeks on eBay.  These would fall into the "antiques made while you wait" category.
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none,
And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

Rhoda Ann Sargent RIP 1886 Hair Folk Art Memorial Tribute Death

Rhoda Ann Sargent's Hair woven into a tribute.  1886 Collection Jim Linderman

Order Jim Linderman books and Ebooks HERE

Tintype Dog with Considerable Eyebrows Tintype Photograph collection Jim Linderman

A real pair of eyebrows on this li'l fellow.  Perched on a birch stand, man's best friend.

Tintype Photograph circa 1870 Collection Jim Linderman

Rack of Carnival Knock-Down Punks and the Great Bicycle Ramp Jump Collection Jim Linderman

CLICK TO ENLARGE (collection Jim Linderman)

CLICK TO ENLARGE collection Jim Linderman

CLICK TO ENLARGE collection Jim Linderman
A big chunk of early carnival history on one photograph.  A rack of knock-down targets sit underneath the giant wooden ramp of death for a bicycle daredevil above.  I suppose one could take the time to squint at the signs and identify the location of this carnival which took over main street for a while, but what I here is already enough for me.  Oh...and a nice ball toss target with a big mouth.

Carnival Real Photo Postcard (AZO Kodak) circa 1910 Collection Jim Linderman

Madcaps Fingerama Musical Madness (I guess...)

Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for THE MADCAPS and their original FINGERAMA !!!

Original Real Photo Postcard Date Unknown Collection Jim Linderman

Harlem History and Tan Pin Ups Teena, Vera and Dolores

One of the earliest significant ads I can find in a mass market periodical offering nude photographs of African-American women.

(Or even women of color...)

From a 1956 issue of Frolic Magazine.  Scarce today, Frolic was printed on cheap pulp but the covers were bright and vibrant to stand out on the top shelf of shops.  In 1956 the magazine was published every two months with Luke Bailey as editor.  Harlem was about 100 blocks north of the editorial offices.

The photo sets offered here were common in the day, but to cater to a race market was not.  Mar-Mays photos MAY be yet another "branch" of the enormous "Marr" or "Marno" distributor of countless figure study digests documented as well as can be in the book 
PROTO-PORN: The Art Figure Study Scam of the 1950s.

The ad here ran four years after African-American photographer Cass Carr was arrested for organizing nude camera shots which used ethnic models...and Bettie Page.  Carr was a pioneer of sorts and lived in Harlem.  His studio was shut down by police as reported in Jet Magazine in 1952.  It is likely the photographs above came from informal (or even illegal) amateur camera club models such as those used by Carr.
Ads from Frolic Magazine 1956  Text by Jim Linderman

Pet Cemetery ? Real Photo Postcard collection Jim Linderman

Mystery.  Pet Cemetery?  Garden layout?  Any guesses?

Real Photo Postcard circa 1900 Collection Jim Linderman

Jim Linderman books and ebook catalog is HERE