Quote and Credit

Quote and Credit


New York Corn Shuckers original photograph c. 1905

A nice group photograph of what appears to be a good portion of the town shucking the corn crop.  Note remnants of outer leaves on the ground. I'm not sure how much work they got out of the two fellows lower right.  I have to say they appear to have spent the day with corn liquor instead of shucking tools.  Photograph by Lorenzo  Short, Rondout NY circa 1905.

Vagabond Rat Hand drawn Postcard

A Vagabond Rat Hand Drawn postcard from a traveler. 
Ohio dated 1906 (detail)
collection Jim Linderman

Women of the 1950s Drawings by Anonymous Self Taught Artist

A few of the hundreds of drawings produced by a West coast "shut in" during the period from 1950 to 1960.  An earlier post on the artist appears HERE.

Robot Sex (It's our own fault, guys)

Looks like Robby the Robot is going to get lucky!  Cribbed from the blog Good Stuff is the frightening modern world coming when men will be replaced with robots. I'm not surprised to find women might consider replacing us with plug-ins. It's our own fault. 

Son Ford Thomas Bluesman, Sculptor, Gravedigger and his son James c. 1992

Son Ford Thomas Bluesman, Sculptor, Gravedigger and his son James Leland, Mississippi c. 1992 
Original photograph Jim Linderman

Folk Art Tillie Toy circa 1930 Ashbury Park New Jersey Symbol Carnival Figure Original Paint

Handmade Folk Art Tillie, the famed character who represented the Ashbury Park, NJ arcade for a century.  Named after George Tilyou, the owner of Steeplechase Park in Coney Island…but it was the New Jersey Tillie who was saved by Bruce Springsteen fans.

"Tillie" Folk Art carving made from cigar box wood. Circa 1930.  Eyes move.  Collection Jim Linderman

Flirting with Death Hollywood's Stunt Stars in Person Photographic Lobby Cards

Some slick format photographs for promoting an appearance of the Hollywood Stunt Stars, each 10" x 13".  I haven't found any references to the production, so date is a guess.

Flirting with Death Hollywood's Stunt Stars in Person Photographic Lobby Cards circa 1950?  Collection Dull Tool Dim Bulb  THANKS to Curley's Antiques.

The FIRST Elvis Impersonator was a DAME! Elvira Presley 1957

The First Elvis Impersonator Elvira Presley!

Complete with guitar-shaped pasties, Elvira Presley hits the stage in 1957 in the not-so legendary strip dump "The Near and Far Club" operated by Al and Mal Warner in Los Angeles.  They were looking for a sensational act to celebrate a club makeover, and when they heard of a model who looked like the "Mississippi Peckerwood" Elvis, they convinced her to put on Levi jeans and then immediately take them off on stage!  Complete with Elvis gyrations which even Ed Sullivan would have enjoyed.

Elvira was thus not only the first Elvis Impersonator, she was the first with 38-28-37 measurements!  Like the real Elvis, she came from Mississippi. 

The act began with the house orchestra playing "Don't Be Cruel" while Elvira made her entrance with a guitar.  As the band continued performing without paying royalties to the illegal immigrant Colonel Tom Parker, Elvira pops out of her Levis to "Blue Suede Shoes" and then out-hip-shakes the hip shaker with "Hound Dog" while tearing off her bra revealing sequins shaped like a Nashville guitar-shaped Swimming Pool!

Elvira became the first to set the standard Elvis Impersonator patter.  When interviewed by the press, her answers are filled with "I hope he would be flattered" responses, but she avoids the "it's not an imitation, it's a tribute" banal platitude adopted by every single Elvis imitator since.  It was an imitation for sure.

Uncredited Photographs appeared in Modern Man Magazine 1957


Homer Tate Self-Taught Artist who Created the Thing!

Artist Homer Tate made the thing. Even though "The Thing" was supposed to be a mystery and a secret, it is likely the most famous thing Homer Tate ever made.  Homer made sideshow gaffes he sold to carnival and sideshow businesses. Shrunken heads and such created to lure rubes inside. Sales of his animal hide "human mysteries" were good.  I am sure you have seen some on those "wacky true history" shows. He'd make a thing for 25 bucks.

The Thing is on Wikipedia! 

I am afraid Homer's lesser known paper mache tableau "old west" tourist attraction things don't get seen as often. They filled his place.  I don't know where they are.

Courtesy of the Library of Congress and photographer Russell Lee.  Yes, the same Russell Lee who created some serious photos.  Taken 1940.  Complete photo set HERE at the Library of Congress website.

I'm Not at the Outsider Art Fair Paris 2019 Edition post Anonymous Drawings of Startled 1950s Women

A surprising group of drawings by an anonymous west coast shut-in at this point known only as Ms. Daisy.  Each is 9" x 12" and there are hundreds. Each drawing has the date created on the reverse and most have a weather report!  (Cloudy today, sunny and hot, smog, etc…)  She lived into her 90s, and while institutionalized drew one every few days from 1952 until tapering off in the 1960s.

I have never had such a large group of work consecutively dated. The artist's work improves a bit over the years, but each retains this rather stark, naive singular look. One note in the reverse indicates "there is a convention on television so we can't watch our programs" leading me to guess these are an assortment of entertainers, soup opera stars and models of the 1950s.  Another note reveals workers are "removing the trees across the road." Only a few are identified by name but many could be identified.

I cannot say if the artist had training, or if the results were produced through practice. There are no duplicates.  Hundreds of 1950s women, each which reflect the times and the persistence of the artist. The overall effect of a dozen lined up is wonderful.

I will scan a few more soon. 

Six anonymous (Ms. Daisy?) Drawings of women 1957 - 1958.  Collection Jim Linderman

You might also enjoy the book Eccentric Folk Art Drawings: Obscure Drawings of the 19th and 20th century, a 250 page book of similar discoveries available from Blurb.com in softcover or an affordable ebook.  The link leads to a ten page preview and ordering information.  Thanks!

A few of the other outsider art fair posts are available HERE

Regina Gilbert Outsider Artist or Flower Child? A Forgotten Primitive Painter

In 1956 Artnews referred to Regina Gilbert as "a sophisticated experimental primitive" and that  "Her eye has combined Henri-Edmond Cross and van Gogh."  Ten years later,  the Palm Beach Daily called her "the only living American primitive painter" which seems even more of an exaggeration. As far back as 1951, Newton Galleries were representing  Ms. Gilbert as "Brooklyn's most exuberant and imaginative primitive" in a press release.  A year earlier, a New York magazine called Cue reviewed a Gilbert show as "...another of those primitive painters who periodically invade the art galleries, this time a "Grandma Moses" of Brooklyn. Her floral paintings, gay, decorative and flat are particularly effective." Another paper once called her a flower child!
Regina Gilbert was born in Austria in 1907.  In the 1930's she immigrated to the United States and lived in New York city until the 1950s. Relocating to Palm Beach, Florida she continued to paint. Apparently an ardent self-promoter, the artist affixed numerous reviews and clippings of her work to the reverse of her paintings. 

Pair of Flower Paintings by Regine Gilbert  Oil on Board circa 1950 Collection Jim Linderman

Greatful Dead Fan Art

A few physical reminders of fan's love for the Grateful Dead.  On the Internet Archive, there are some 600 examples of decorated envelopes sent to the office for tickets.  Worth a look and a smile!
See them all HERE

Books and affordable Ebooks by Jim Linderman available HERE

The Moses Tabernacle Bernstein Model

O. O. Bernstein's traveling exhibition!  Real Photo Postcard circa 1920. Collection Jim Linderman