Consider the number of baby photographs out there. Pause for a second and do some math.Pair of original studio photographs, Hand-Tinted circa 1940 Collection Jim Linderman
CLICK TO ENLARGEThree original Cartes de Visite photographs from San Francisco around 1880, maybe a bit earlier, maybe a bit later. They were found together, but I do not know if they are actually related. It does look like red and green were popular.Group of CDV photographs, tinted by hand, circa 1880 Collection Jim Linderman
Last bathing opportunity of the season here (and the last swimming suit post of the year) The water temperature is around 65 degrees but that won't last long. The fences are going up on the beach to prevent drifting snand (a mixture of snow and sand). The Pronto Pup is closed and one may legally ride a bicycle through the 4 block long "downtown" again, though I don't think anyone was ever ticketed. The image is a tintype which will appear in the forthcoming book "The Painted Backdrop" in 2010. To see my other swimsuit posts, click blue subject heading below.
Untitled Tintype Photograph, c. 1890 Collection Jim Linderman
Still (or finally) summer, so an excuse for another photo of beach beauties.
Hand-Tinted Photograph, circa 1950 Collection Jim Linderman