Jim Linderman blog about surface, wear, form and authenticity in self-taught art, outsider art, antique american folk art, antiques and photography.
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
What is New at Dull Tool Dim Bulb 2012 Update Jim Linderman
A few recent developments from the Dull Tool Dim Bulb empire!
MUCH pleased to have had no less than David Sedaris recommend the Dull Tool Dim Bulb Blog to his readers. As one who has gone from sitting in Barnes and Noble watching David read to becoming a writer (of sorts) himself, this is a great honor.
Skilled writer and artist Emma Higgins has written a lovely profile titled "Jim Linderman Perpetually Ahead of the Collecting Curve" HERE on the Grand Rapids website H.A.C.K. Grand Rapids, as you may or may not know, is a booming city in the culture department, with their annual Art Prize awarding $$$ and attracting many artist participants and visitors annually. HACK is a wonderful guide to the West Michigan Art Scene and much more.
Two new books, I'm With Dummy: Vent Figures and Blockheads: Vintage Photographs from the Jim Linderman Collection and PROTO-PORN: The Art Figure Study Scam of the 1950s are now available. Each is available in paperback OR Ebook download for the iPad. They lanquish on the virtual shelves of Blurb.com. ALL the Dull Tool Dim Bulb Books are now available as $5.99 downloads. Save a tree and buy a virtual book.
Vintage Sleaze the blog now has an astounding 36,000 followers on Facebook and the network of blogs under the Dull Tool Dim Bulb umbrella is approaching 2.25 million page clicks. If clicks were coins and followers were finance I would be rich...but I prefer happy.
In the not to announce category The World Erotic Art Museum in Miami may be doing a show based on the Vintage Sleaze series and Book Secret History of the Black Pin Up: Women of Color from Pinup to Porn which would be an honor. More as, and if, this develops. I think it will...and if so, linkage will result.
Design Weekly wrote a nice profile and recommendation to Vintage Sleaze, thank you very much.
I recently made what I believe is a significant contribution to an important new book by an important comic book historian, but I'll report on it in the next update.
Music fans can now follow Bob Dylan Record an Album of Songs by Charlie Patton on Facebook. The site grows out of a series of infrequent essays on Dylan...who, with a new album out any day now, has once again failed to do what I wish he would. He will.
I also presume all have seen the recent Jim Linderman New York Times Profile? The article uses a photograph by Michigan-based photographer Adam Bird which I much appreciate. Mr. Bird is a young photographer with considerable style and skill. The Times also quoted me in a recent article on the rebirth of pinup style.
I have discovered an original stag film of Texas Legend Candy Barr dancing. This is not the common film on Youtube, but a film shot on the same set or stage around the same time. I'm not quite sure what do do with the film, but It has been transfered to Digital CD and I'm pondering selling copies or using it as a gift to friends. The only problem is that once the Candy is out of the bag, it will be bootlegged wider than Justin Bieber's next recording. Any ideas?
Dull Tool Dim Bulb Art Photography Blogs Reach ONE HALF MILLION Clicks
Spring Bird, Passing Grade, One Mistake

A charming circa 1900 ink drawing of the "exterternal" Structure of a Bird from an industrious student's biology notebook. Otherwise perfect, I wonder if the misspelled title came after he spent all that time drawing the little fellow, or before. It is a beautiful little bird either way.
c. 1900 Anatomical School Child Drawing Collection Jim Linderman

GALS GAMS GARTERS which is a digital record of an enormous scrapbook found in a dumpster by a Virginia student in the late 1960's. Our anonymous artist was a serious aficionado of the leg, ankle and above, but there is no nudity, no sex and nary a nipple. However, the man with the scissors and tape, like the magazine editors who provided him with product, managed to skirt good taste with plenty of inspired photos. His motivation? Who knows? For that matter, who is to judge? Feel free to forward to your fashionista friends.
We start here with one "Dacy Reid" who is in fact the recently departed Bettie Page. If you are a fan of vintage erotica, fashion, vintage clothing and retro culture...or (like the web itself) are saturated and sated with x-rated exploitation, GALS GAMS GARTERS is the place for you.
Newprint photo detail c. 1955 Collection Jim Linderman
Mother Dolly on Roller Skates

Roller skates were being mass produced in the 1880's, which is where I date this tintype. It is not clear if Dolly skated to the studio, or the studio came to Dolly. At the time, skating was done in large rinks and amusement parks, it is possible the photographer took this photo shortly after the announcer shouted "MEN SKATE." Other than the invention of in-line skates, the most notable skate related trivia I find is that Heather Graham's character "Rollergirl" in the film Boogie Nights is always seen wearing her trademark roller skates, even during sex scenes
Mother Dolly on Roller Skates Tintype photograph c. 1880 Collection Jim Linderman
Prophet Blackmon Revival Center and Shoe Repair Shop

For forty years Rev. William Blackmon preached in the streets of Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, often without a home. In 1974 the Lord brought him to Milwaukee where he settled in the combination house/studio/church/shoe repair/car wash and wild greens shop above.
Two original snapshots circa 1991 Collection Jim Linderman
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