Wheaties Champion hovers in tree to escape Tony the Tiger??? Your Guess is as good as mine.
Original Snapshot circaa 1950? Collection Jim Linderman
Jim Linderman blog about surface, wear, form and authenticity in self-taught art, outsider art, antique american folk art, antiques and photography.
Holiday PARTY PLAY Cocktail Napkins
Stuck at home with the family? While you check flight status, here is a few things to keep you all friendly while under the same roof.
Party Play Cocktail Napkins Har Va Corp. 1954
The Birth of Rock and Roll Holiday Edition
Number three in the series The Birth of Rock and Roll comes from Cleveland, so I finally have to agree with the choice to locate the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame there! Undated, but certainly 1940 or earlier, an obvious trouble-maker participates in planning for the Thanksgiving dance! I hope it got out of hand. An unusual early photograph of desegregated dance for the kids! On the reverse the person I HOPE chooses the music is identified as "Pete Owens African-American Young Man" at Thomas Edison High School Cleveland Ohio. It comes from a photo book, but I am going to guess it was taken for the High School Yearbook.
Original Snapshot Undated Collection Jim Linderman
Antique Folk Art Jesus Sculpture
Antique Folk Art Jesus Sculpture 11" Tall collection Jim Linderman
(Also posted on old time religion the blog)
Hell Money of the Slain President Kennedy Hell Bank Note
A John F. Kennedy Hell Bank Note! "Hell Money" is a traditional Chinese offering to the dead. Hell dollars are burned as ceremonial offerings at funerals and near the graves of the departed. In this case, a Hell note which I assume dates to 1963 replaces the Jade Emperor. This looks like play money, but it's the real deal. I don't know how many were produced as tributes to the fallen president, and I see them for sale on ebay now. The Wiki story of Hell Money is HERE.
John. F. Kennedy Hell Bank Note circa 1963? Collection Jim Linderman
Michigan Squiggle Street Photograph Republican Road Repair
One of my closest friends, the brilliant Kate Bloomquist, was riding around town with me when we both saw this "Squiggle Street" a few blocks from the beach. I loved it, but guessed out loud before I had a chance to take a picture, they would pave it over. To my surprise, Kate went BACK, took a picture and sent it to me from 750 miles away. THAT is a friend.
Michigan, with a millionaire, former venture capitalist Republican Governor, "can't afford" to fix the roads, so they tar them up and hope your car suspension isn't remembered at election time. He isn't the worst politician, but he sure isn't the best. I would vote for Mark Schauer, a Democrat in the upcoming election anyway, but now that I was gifted this photograph, It's a definite. Maybe HE can fix the roads.
I hope his campaign uses this photo in an ad…and the incumbent, who can well afford to buy me a new set of tires, will hear from me too.
Original Digital Photograph 2013 by Kate Bloomquist
Spark Magazine Magazines Aren't what they Used to Be (continuing series)
Magazines aren't what they used to be.
Two issues of Spark, one of numerous Life magazine imitators which didn't last as long.
Spark 1940s
Mexican Comic Book Fantasia Horror Mystery and Gore Which Knows No Border!
- Fantasia from Mexico! Mexican Comic Book Graphic Novel Fantasia
- There was a
Fantasia not produced by Disney, and it was a comic book which came from
south of the Rio Grande. This one had "all the imagination of the most
extraordinary and rapporteurs of the fantastic real, poured in..."
according to the pitch and my translator. From the illustrations I can
believe it. A graphic novel or comic book from Mexico circa 1954. I
don't find a copy on my least favorite auction site, but I had to scroll
through plenty of hits for the one in which Mickey runs from brooms.
Horror, Mystery, Fantasy and Reality you will find on the creepy pages of Fantasia! It makes me want a time machine and a border pass to go find some issues. 60 years ago. I don't know if the Mexican comic book industry had a "golden age" but it seems the illustrations are universal, as these resemble all those Dr. Wertham found offensive. Gore knows no border!
Tintype Occupational An Actor
I'm not sure if "occupational" counts when it comes to photographs of actors, as they spend more time in lines hoping for a gig than working...but this Shakespeare performer takes HIS work seriously. Thanks and a nod to painter J. J. Cromer who found this for me, if I am not mistaken.
Tintype Photograph circa 1870 Collection Jim Linderman
Virginia climbs the Aeromotor windmill 1946
Virginia climbs the Aeromotor windmill 1946 Oregon
Snapshot embellished by hand collection Jim Linderman
Bettie Page and Dog visit Dull Tool Dim Bulb
Bettie Page Original Contact Print signed by Bunny Yeager on reverse and photograph from the same session on the cover of Sunbathing and Health Magazine March 1956.
Photograph Collection Jim Linderman
The Slipper Shaped Calling Card of Pearly White collection Jim Linderman
The Slipper Shaped Calling Card of Pearly White, signed by hand circa 1880
Collection Jim Linderman
Collection Jim Linderman
Girl with Purse in Painted Backdrop Tintype
Now available in eBook for $5.99
The previously untold story of 19th century painters and their influence on American photography during the tintype era. Never before examined in detail, the book contains over 75 rare, unpublished original tintype photographs from the Jim Linderman collection. A Grammy nominated writer and collector who has been called "the perfect subject for a Harvey Pekar comic" this book is informed with Linderman's wit and continues his examination of previously overlooked art and photography subjects. 80 Pages, 8' x 10" with essays by Jim Linderman and Kate Bloomquist. ORDER HERE
The previously untold story of 19th century painters and their influence on American photography during the tintype era. Never before examined in detail, the book contains over 75 rare, unpublished original tintype photographs from the Jim Linderman collection. A Grammy nominated writer and collector who has been called "the perfect subject for a Harvey Pekar comic" this book is informed with Linderman's wit and continues his examination of previously overlooked art and photography subjects. 80 Pages, 8' x 10" with essays by Jim Linderman and Kate Bloomquist. ORDER HERE
Salman Rushdie and Snakes and Ladders
"All games have morals; and the game of Snakes and Ladders captures, as no other activity can hope to do, the eternal truth that for every ladder you hope to climb, a snake is waiting just around the corner, and for every snake a ladder will compensate. But it's more than that; no mere carrot-and-stick affair; because implicit in the game is unchanging twoness of things, the duality of up against down, good against evil; the solid rationality of ladders balances the occult sinuosities of the serpent; in the opposition of staircase and cobra we can see, metaphorically, all conceivable oppositions, Alpha against Omega, father against mother." Salman Rushdie Midnight's Children. Random House. p. 160.
Common Cardboard Snakes and Ladders game, no date, no manufacturer Collection Jim Linderman
Women Outlaws Seduce the Innocent Ladies of the Lurid West!
Women Outlaws Seduce the Innocent. Ladies of the Lurid West!
Women Outlaws. A "golden age" comic book, which means before the government decided kids should read Casper the friendly ghost rather than lurid crime from the Wild West OR downtown. Whatever. None of these were as bad as what is found through a gaming console today, and kids are even lazier, more sullen and more surly now. Kefauver's censorship worked for a time, as the comics learned how to "self-patrol" with the comics code logo…but the kids are just the same, only worse!
Sure enough, one of Women Outlaws was used as an example for Fredric Wertheim's expose Seduction of the Innocent. And no wonder…check out one of the woman outlaws being served justice. Still, I was a juvenile delinquent, and all I read was the Hardy Boys!
Some kids are going to test the rules, Fredric. No matter what they read. Plus now that I recall, the boys were always bullying Chet, the fat kid.

One of these issues (the one with what seems to be Marshall Dillon's platonic girlfriend and implied whore Kitty from the Gunsmoke TV show) is currently listed on eBay for $600, so these have to be pretty scarce. One website puts the first issue at $900.
Who READ these? Little sisters who wanted their own action tales? Let's face it, "romance" comic books for the girls were horrible. Every single story was the same. Guy with a buzzy haircut meets a girl, there is some confusion (usually Buzzy has to fix his car and forgets to call) and the last panel has them swapping rings. Happy ending. It gets old, even to impressionable young readers being socialized into accepted forms of happy women consumers. So maybe some "branched" out into hanging branches?
I guess they do strike a blow for women somehow…and Annie Oakley was a role model for tough girls.
I really think Dad read these. Illiteracy rates were reported as less than 4% back in the 1950s, but I think that was propaganda to show the Ruskies we were superior. In fact, I think it was many times that, and even higher today. Imagine how many returned soldiers wanted books with pictures…and a little bright colored excitement from the wild west (with dames) would have been perfect.
Below is a great one…all smudged up with age and rotten acid pulp and more…yet still so great the seller is asking the price of dinner for it. It looks like "Dot" signed her name on it, so maybe girls did read them!
Comic Book guys are, by the way, WAY too hung up on condition. All things age, especially cheap comic books. Get over it. Live with the wear guys…art is supposed to change over the years through use and appreciation. Let your comic books breathe.
Women Outlaws was published by the Fox Feature Syndicate, who also published "Crimes by Women" and for some ungodly reason, a comic called "General Douglas MacArthur (which adds some support to my theory the consumers were slow readers from the Greatest Generation.) There were only a handful of issues.
The best site (and most information) is found on the FANTASY INK website, a place which also links to many things comic book. It is edited by Tom, who doesn't provide his full name but should. Nice stuff. Further information is available on WESTERN COMICS ADVENTURES. More information on Dr. Wertham and his curious mission is found HERE on Seduction of the Innocent the website, which is devoted to finding every damn comic book the good doctor was shocked by.
Books and ($5.99) ebooks by Jim Linderman are available HERE
Folk Art Toy Cannon in Original Paint
Folk Art Toy Cannon in Original Paint (Circa 1918?) Collection Jim Linderman
My Little House Status Report (and reporting a guy who stoled my picture!)
The guy here stole MY picture of MY little cabin from the web and is using it to promote his business! He didn't even ask. 25 Grand! Mine cost 6 Grand. He HAW. If he had credited my photo and cabin, I'd help him. On the other hand, his voiceover does call me "a progressive individual." Progress on the inside is shown here.
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