Some serious folk art wood carving by Anonymous, who was so good he even had his own special "wood carving coveralls" for when the chips began to fly! Too bad there is no identification on the photo reverse, but at least we know the work depicted was finished around 1921. Close-ups here show not only the remarkable carving, but his weapon of choice.

Anonymous snapshot of a folk art furniture maker and carver, 1921 Collection Jim Linderman

Tip of the Hat to Joey Lin of Anonymous Works
You're pretty sure that "weapon of choice" isn't a pipe? BTW, Jim, congrats on the great coverage last week in the Times!
ReplyDeleteYes...I'm pretty sure it is one of those wood carving tools, and might even be one of the northeastern native tribe awl like things I used to collect. And thanks!
ReplyDeleteI think...
ReplyDeleteLooks pipelike to me. Of course, ceci n'est pas une Magritte pipe.
ReplyDeletethat might be his wife on the top
ReplyDeleteHe's holding a pipe, not a tool.
ReplyDeleteI added a pic of some carvers tools, often known as micmac knives...This is what I suspect he is holding rather than a pipe.
DeletePossible. Not possible. Either or!