As the post office debates eliminating Saturday delivery (and rumors of a tax on email and texting pops up from time to time) there is still much to be said for a package you can carry up the stairs and slit open. I read a good deal of my trash on a kindle now, but still, the book, even if just a xeroxed and stapled pamphlet, rules.
Some of the most creative and certainly most affordable work being done today is available for three or four dollars a pop at Global Hobo, a well-run but low profit distributor of artist made comics. I've cribbed just a few of the covers of work available. Some of the artists selling their wares on this collective are up to ten issues of their titles, others are doing one-shots for fun. Global Hobo has been distributing hand-made comics for nearly ten years. Many of the artist's catalog entries link to their own full-blown websites thus opening up worlds of fun from this beautiful mail-order hub.
Some of the artists, like Geoff Vasile and Vanessa Davis are clearly going to break through to the "ISBN" world, others will likely stew in lonely apartments becoming increasingly morose and dramatically weirder. Which in the comics world is a good thing.
Global Hobo is HERE
Thanks for the post! OMG, those are too great, going to get me some:)