A testimony to loving, respectful care compiled by Ruth Miller, who earned her Red Cross badge and then some. These images from her homemade scrapbook not only contain carefully clipped tips for the well-managed home, she has compiled a compendium on health, welfare, positive thinking and attitude. Among the manilla pages of the book, which she titled "Caring for the Sick in the Home" are included everything from tips to finding pasteurized milk to "39 points to avoid functional nervous disorders." She has a page for a well-made bed, glued pamphlets indicating how to properly light a room, a page listing the proper elements of posture:
Just square your shoulders to the world
You're not the sort to quit
It isn't the load that breaks us down
It's the way we carry it
From "What to look for when buying children's shoes" to the ravages of syphilis, Ms. Miller has it covered and in considerable detail. She has notes to remind her to be patient and wait while her charge performs a task, Her attention to detail and creative arrangement of visual cues gives me no doubt she was the kind of woman I would trust with anyone I love.
"Caring" a homemade scrapbook compiled by Miss Ruth Miller, circa 1930. Collection Jim Linderman
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