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First Book Ever on African American Pin ups SECRET HISTORY OF THE BLACK PIN UP


Intrigued by the question "Why aren't there any black pin up girls" on an internet message board, writer Jim Linderman decided to find out. With 100 rare vintage photographs all showing women of color in magazines not seen for over 50 years, Linderman not only reveals many answers to the question, he reveals a long gone part of America and African-American culture. Secret of the Black Pin Up takes us from "tease" to "sleaze" and reveals a world never before seen. Using rare photos and publications, the untold story of African-American women in the soft-core pornography world from 1940 to date. Yes, there WERE black pin ups, and they are found HERE.

$22.95 Paperback 120 Pages Over 100 Photos


WIN a PONY from Tom Boy Shoes!

Imagine a rural world in which a shoe company could offer a HORSE with no more hoopla than a free week at Disneyland. A contest held in the Upper Peninisula of Michigan, which actually hasn't changed much since!

Free Tom-Boy Pony! Your lucky ticket 1931 Collection Jim Linderman


George Jones turns 80

Who said to me after I told him his music was one of the very few things I kept from my drunk days, shook my hand and said "That means a lot to me son" George has lived nearly 15 years since then, and so have I.

Life is Good

Tender Years / Battle of Love 45rpm Picture Sleeve Collection Jim Linderman

First Sin ? Raccoon Eyes on Preacher Aldrich and Wife

Someone was given a pen to shut him up in church. Note reverse: The Way to Hell --Simply Do Nothing

Defaced Church Invitation, circa 1900 Collection Jim Linderman

(Also posted on old-time-religion the blog)

Cross Writing Cross Eyed Dull Tool Dim Bulb Greatest Hit

I am working on a big project, so you get a rerun today. Stick Around.

Must click to enlarge

Two 19th Century "cross written" letters. Cross writing was a technique to save paper when paper was scarce. Every scrap mattered at one time (one of these is dated 1823) so the writer, upon reaching the end of the page, would turn the paper 90 degrees and add a second layer of text. Once it becomes familiar, the mind adapts easily and cross written letters are surprisingly legible. Charles Darwin famously used the technique.
Original Post from Dull Tool Dim Bulb the Daily Blog
Two Early 19th Century Cross Writing letters, Collection Jim Linderman

Black Forest Carvings are all BROWN Totem Pole with Jesus and a Cowboy

WHAT the? It looks like Jesus climbed up and took the ladder up after him! Actually, this is an image of, well...a totem pole? A crucifixion? Note horse, rider and weathervane! A serious conglomeration of carver crafts all mounted on one goofy pole! Incongruity defined!

This is a 1914 German postcard from the Black Forest area. Long known for their carvers (of the most bizarre things...bear cubs holding a bench up, pile of pile upon pile of fake wooden deer heads with antlers, crazy cuckoo clocks, various gnomes and yodelers) and every damn one of them BROWN. They HAD paint, as seen here, but for some reason never used it.

The carvings might be German, they might be Swiss, but they are all brown.
For those of you interested, the Black Forest belongs completely to the state of Baden-Württemberg and comprises the city of Pforzheim as well as the following districts (Kreise). In the north: Enz, Rastatt and Calw; in the middle: Freudenstadt, Ortenaukreis and Rottweil; in the south: Emmendingen, Schwarzwald-Baar, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Lörrach and Waldshut. Does that help? As you can see, Ida visited.

I remember once a dealer had dumped like two hundred Black Forest carvings on tables at the 26th Street Flea Market (R.I.P)...most of them deer heads and most of them busted up. No one showed any interest at all.

German "Postkarte" mailed 1914 Collection Jim Linderman

NOTE:  An outstanding and thoughtful interpretation of this piece appears on the beautiful site "THE JESUS QUESTION"  HERE. by Victoria Emily Jones. Very much appreciated and recommended...and a great site.

Dull Tool Dim Bulb Books

Fotofun ! The OTHER Pre-Photoshop Postcard Game! Laugh your HEADS off!

As promised, the other Fotofun product from the 1930s. See the original post HERE. This booklet was also designed to encourage lopping the heads off your loved one's photographs and pasting them on hilarious templates...70 years before photoshop! (but with a one-cent stamp twist) Send them to friends! How many were actually created and mailed? I have no idea. Any deltiologists out there with one that went through the mail, glued-on noggin intact? Seems like a collection waiting to happen!

Fotofun Post Cards original booklet 1935. "Just cut the heads off photos of the family"
Collection Jim Linderman

Inherited Values (Essential) Deanna Dahlsad contest, collectibles and MORE

The lovely, talented, prolific and brilliant Deanna Dahlsad is having a seasonal Fall contest on her Antiques and Vintage Collectibles site INHERITED VALUES which provides a perfect time for you to explore her site, one of several, and one I recommend. Deanna is a writer and scholar, smart as a whip and with a far better eye than I. Check out Inherited Values. One of the best antique sites on the web and a site to treasure. Inherited Values is also on Facebook.

The Magic of Abbott's Magic What's in YOUR Colon? RPPC collection Jim Linderman


Michigan has been blessed for the last 80 years with the Abbott Magic and Novelty Company. They have been located in Colon, Michigan since 1933. I am in love with Abbott's even though I'm not a magician...so anything I write would be biased. The firm's WEBSITE is HERE. An AMAZING collection is shown HERE in a 6 minute film.

My copy of the catalog, from which I have cribbed a few astounding images, is the 22nd edition dated 1976. It is, I'm not kidding, 433 pages. That I have never left it behind in all my moves since should tell you something.

Want a taste of the real thing? Check out this astounding and quite beautiful film made around the same time showing Percy Abbott and his business partner Recil Bordner performing in front of the store. Ignore the funky finger plunked bass-line and enjoy the show.

Dull Tool Dim Bulb Books HERE


RAG PICTURE How to Make a Rag Picture

The Rag Picture is a forgotten art. The Balda company, located in beautiful Oshkosh Wisconsin, started selling instructions back in 1928 I believe, but the history is incomplete. Balda sold to magicians, preachers,vaudeville performers and anyone who could develop a convincing patter to go along with their show. They not only sold the backing and the easel, they sold the RAGS. Impressive? Just wait! Dim the lights. Balda also sold BLACK LIGHTS so the speaker could finish with a trippy flourish!

Balda is a history aching to be told, but I'm going to take a nap instead.

Balda Advertisement circa 1967 and catalog images circa 1936?


The Art of Theosophy and Fruity Pebbles Thought Form Paintings of Varley, Prince and Macfarlane







I haven't had my coffee yet, so I'm not going to explain Theosophy, a big bag of astral matter and vibrating shenanigans mixed up with strange science and fruity pebbles...but the pictures are wonderful.

Read the foundation (shaky) HERE.

(Collect them all)


Loneliness of the Chain Saw Carver

Lowliest of art forms, the Chain Saw Carver. Craft? Hobby? Tourist art? Folk Art? Akin to Ice Sculptors and Sand Castle Builders. Can a work of fine art be made with a chain saw?
Ask Tobe Hooper.

A Day in the Life of Charlie! Dull Tool Dim Bulb Behind the Scenes

It's a Dull Tool Dim Bulb EXCLUSIVE as we follow Charlie
Behind the Scenes with our unlimited Backstage Access!

Charlie touches up ascot before MTV Dance Routine

Charlie rehearses Lines with Vocal Coach

Charlie meets "the girls" before big number

Charlie instructs go-fer and lawyer

Charlie checks Auto-Tune software

After long day, Charlie get's lucky with starlet

Get your JIVE on DEEP Glad Hand from Dull Tool Dim Bulb

ABC Orchards Invents the Product Label RPPC of early Branded Produce

We routinely peel branding stickers off our fruit before eating it. Even chicken eggs are gently machine-stamped now, and individual products have had trackable chips packed with them for years. I suppose Gillette could now tell you which landfill contains the most cast off packaging from their razors. The QR box, the latest "sign of the beast" is already becoming as familiar as bar codes of the distant past.

There was a day when advertising was done by handwritten signs, and if the producer was feeling especially extravagant, a real photo post card. ABC should have put a patent on this idea instead of just a label on their apples.

ABC Orchards "The Home of the Lettered Apple" Advertising Real Photo Postcard circa 1925 Collection Jim Linderman

