Jim Linderman blog about surface, wear, form and authenticity in self-taught art, outsider art, antique american folk art, antiques and photography.
Antique folk art sculpture Man with a Cap with Original Blue Paint and a Tin Visor. Collection Jim Linderman
Antique folk art sculpture Man with a Cap with Original Blue Paint and a Tin Visor. Collection Jim Linderman / Dull Tool Dim Bulb
Cedar Creek Charlie Fields Folk Art Sculptures from a long lost folk art environment and the book by Elinor Lander Horwitz Contemporary American Folk Artists
Three remaining folk art sculptures made by Cedar Creek Charlie. There aren't too many of them around. Of course, Mr. Fields is one of the earliest 20th century yard art creators. I've done a few posts over the years on Charlie as it was a friend of mine who paid the rights to salvage (and save) significant portions of his house. By the time they got to it the place had been ravaged by vandals. So much so that in 1990, when the Rosenak encyclopedia of American Folk Art was published, they wrote "Probably only about ten objects from the whole house and his environment survive." One if them, the "Polka--Dotten Crucifiction" wasn't even made by Charlie. It was made by a prisoner and Charlie only added the polka dots. So, they were wrong.
On the other hand, I recently bought a copy of the Elinor Lander Horwitch book Contemporary American Folk Artists for the third time. Both my other copies were lost while moving. It's still available as an out-of-print book for less then ten bucks if one is patient. There have been numerous writings on Charlie but this one is still the best. No errors...and she faithtully shares pictures of both the place and the Museum of Appalachia collection. There were ten objects by Charlie there alone. I guess the Rosenaks missed them. Contemporary American Folks Artists remains a VERY entertaing survey from the earliest days of discovering these self-taught geniuses. I later learned her son was the late Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tony Horwitz and the mother of journalist Geraldine Brooks!
So, the objects here were "insiders" in that that were installed in Charlie's house rather than spread out in the yard. The yard, which originally included a Ferris Wheel, a giant airplane and functioning Polka-dot Beehouses, was trashed. Howard Campbell and Marcus King preserved much of the exterior including the famous front door.
For some revealing photographs of Charlie's yard, see SUSAN CHANDLER'S FIND A GRAVE post HERE
Three objects by Cedar Creek Charlie Fields c. 1950 - 1960. (Sign Holder jar, repurposed Ball jar and Talcum power cannister. Tallest 20".
Collection Jim Linderman Dull Tool Dim Bulb
Greenback Castle Fortress of Faith in Tennessee : An Excursion by Jacob the Carpetbagger
For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to come upon a magical "Folk Art Enviroment" as they are called, the spiritual construction of Floyd Bankes Junior fits the bill. Brought to you by Jacob the Carpetbagger, a most cordial and genial host. Jacob is closing in on a half million youtube followers. He brings his trademark indefatigable excitment to this place you have to see.
I hate to crib content from his film, I hope he doesn't mind me sharing. I have been a fan for a long time, and his post of April 12, 2022 is, for our purposes exactly the thrill one expects to see! Follow him, support him and subscribe. You'll get a postcard from him once a month if you conribute to his Patreon Channel. I don't have half the energy for road trips but he does a fine job for me.
I'll let his film do the rest of the talking. Words fail me!
1930's version of HELL in frightful tableau form
Some stealth photographs of Hell! Taken under less than ideal circumstances (flashlight and screen grabs) is this staggering mini-replica of HELL from artist Butch Anthony's collection. Road warrior Carpetbagger first shared these tableaus on a video you have to watch. Carpetbagger is a national treasure, and in his own way so is Butch!
These visions were created by a traveling preacher in the 1930s. Whatever the pittance asked for viewing, it was a deal. We have a fine tradition of scaring folks into salvation in this country but these could be the best. The American version of Hieronymus Boshch. WATCH VIDEO
Oh Mercy. Trotsky and Bob Dylan Cover Art
This should interest a few Bob Dylan fans. The original study for the album art for the Bob Dylan OH MERCY record cover. It was done by Trotsky, who was a muralist active in New York City's Hell Kitchen neighborhood. Dylan saw the mural while riding past on his bicycle, and obtained permission to use the painting, which was on the wall of a Chinese restaurant, for the jacket.
Trotsky was a friend of mine and I obtained this piece, a pastel, from him. Long ago. The mural is, of course, long gone...and I sold the piece here long ago as well. It is now on some other wall, and I hope loved as much as I did. A wonderful little tribute to Mr. Dylan and the street artist Trotsky.
As you can see, in the original study there was a third person in the work which was the artist. Some have speculated the painting was a fellow with a gun in his hand, but as you can see in the study, nope. They were dancing!
The album was released in 1989, and as I recall I was guest at Dylan's Radio City Music Hall that year courtesy Trotsky. Not only did Dylan's folks pay to use the painting, they gave the artist a few comps.
Original photograph "In Situ" by Jim Linderman 1986.
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