Oh Mercy. Trotsky and Bob Dylan Cover Art

This should interest a few Bob Dylan fans.  The original study for the album art for the Bob Dylan OH MERCY record cover.  It was done by Trotsky, who was a muralist active in New York City's Hell Kitchen neighborhood.  Dylan saw the mural while riding past on his bicycle, and obtained permission to use the painting, which was on the wall of a Chinese restaurant, for the jacket. 

Trotsky was a friend of mine and I obtained this piece, a pastel, from him.  Long ago.  The mural is, of course, long gone...and I sold the piece here long ago as well.  It is now on some other wall, and I hope loved as much as I did.  A wonderful little tribute to Mr. Dylan and the street artist Trotsky.

As you can see, in the original study there was a third person in the work which was the artist.  Some have speculated the painting was a fellow with a gun in his hand, but as you can see in the study, nope.  They were dancing!

The album was released in 1989, and as I recall I was guest at Dylan's Radio City Music Hall that year courtesy Trotsky.  Not only did Dylan's folks pay to use the painting, they gave the artist a few comps.

Original photograph "In Situ" by Jim Linderman 1986. 

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