Antique Folk Art Paper Shadow Puppet Figures late 19th - early 20th century. Collection Jim Linderman

Shadow puppets and shadow play is an early art form with many relatives. Paper cuts. shilouette cuts, even the more common hand shadow which is known as ombromanie. Often associated with Asian cultures,there are plenty of Western examples. In an earlier post on the blog I discussed hand puppetry and much of what was said relates to those fellows. “…the early practitioner who would travel from gig to gig (or birthday party to school assembly) often had a patter to go along with the work...moral tales, jokes, and frequently an agenda of either the person paying for the show or the artist. But it wasn't necessary. The mere, temporary existence of the work was enough. Like the chalk talkers I love so much, the art form was often, and is today when you can see it, frequently hijacked by the religious prothelesizer. Get thee before a light! I don't think they do any "in and out" shadows with a circle and a thrusting digit, but that is probably the most popular example today, and usually made in a dorm room or, if you can find a spot, a well-lit corner of the local tavern.” These are early examples found as a group, cut by an expert and lovingly preserved. The notables include Shakespeare, Christ and “a monk” of unknown name. Six late 19th, early 20th century hand cut shadow puppets of paper. Collection Jim Linderman

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