Painted Knees and Tattoo History by Carmen Forquer Nyssen

Having faces painted on your knees never really caught on, though I posted a pic a few years ago trying.  Now, master tattoo historian Carmen Forquer Nyssen has sent this example.  Thanks!  Carmen maintains the best historical site on all things tattoo at BUZZWORTHY TATTOO HISTORY. Makes sense, as she is the Great Grand niece of legendary tattoo artist Bert Grimm, one of the most revered early artists of the genre.  Carmen's site covers many other tattoo notables and her research is impeccable.  Seriously serious work.  Anyone with the slightest interest in tats  (some 36% of all Americans) could spend hours on her site. Carmen has written numerous articles and is working on what will certainly be the definitive book on Mr. Grimm.
One can follow Buzzworthy Tattoo History HERE on Facebook.  The website is HERE

Anonymous press photograph, circa 1925. 

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