Mimeographed Amateur Pornography from 1950s Mexico 7 Zephyrs Press

7 Zephyrs Press was a primitive smut publisher working just over the border in Juarez and Tijuana, Mexico.  By 1955, the modest business had published well over 200 individually numbered titles.  Each had primitive drawings to illustrate the deviant goings on.  Real collectors items.  The company also ran a lending library!  Not a collector?  Buy one, read it and return for another.  Each title seems to have been "cranked out" in editions of 100 or so.  Historians are aware that technological inventions are first used to spread erotic content...in this case, the mimeograph machine.     

Assorted editions of 7 Zephyrs Press erotic novels.  Collection Dull Tool Dim Bulb

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