Odd Fellows Honor the Dead Flag

Odd Fellows Honor the Dead Flag with affixed stick. No Date  WW1 ?  Collection Jim Linderman


  1. I think these were used over the span many years as markers on graves of dead Odd Fellows, much like US flags mark veterans' graves today. A principal of the Odd Fellows seems to be the remembrance of those members who have passed on. Indeed, Odd Fellow lodges at one time provided death benefit to survivors, owned cemeeteries, and provided mortuary services. It is well known that their rituals seem to involve a skeleton, and each lodge seems to have one, but the exact purpost of these artifacts has, to my knowledge, not been revealed to the uninitiated. In light of this, I don't think that there is a way to connect this flag to any remembrance of war, per se, other than for those Odd Fellows who coincidentally died during war. Just my $.02.

  2. Thank you very much for your information!
