Erotic Folk Art Figural Carved Pipe collection Jim Linderman

Erotic Folk Art Carved Figural Pipe collection Jim Linderman

For decades, the Erlich Pipe Company in Boston was one of the longest surviving pipe shops in the country, and in the window of their store on Tremont Street, they often had a master carver at work.  There were actually two locations for a time, and each window had a resident carver. George Bushee carved on Tremont, Gustave Fischer carved at 33 Court Street.  I am guessing this was done by one or the other. 

Hand-carved Pipe Bowl with Nude Woman and Man no date Collection Jim Linderman


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    1. Here is one answer...I believe there are more? Last name is spelled Bushee, as I spelled it. The source for the window carver is Worthpoint which indicates the carver was "well-known" in Boston for same. Unfortunate that an obituary is online as well.
