Will Rogers Tiny House Photograph Collection Jim Linderman

Will Rogers Tiny House!

Will Rogers was born in 1879 and passed away in 1935. 

The tiny house is mentioned in a 1942 newspaper article, so it existed then.  I've seen another snapshot supposedly from 1939.   The house (actually a sign) welcomed visitors to Dog Iron Ranch in Indian Territory Oklahoma.   It replicates the house in which Will Rogers was born.

Mr. Rogers was  one- fourth Cherokee Native American and his father was a Cherokee Judge.  He dropped out of school in the tenth grade, and as a very young man, Will had already traveled to (and worked) in Argentina and South Africa.  He was the first civilian to fly from coast to coast.

He was, of course and famously a Democrat, but in 1928 ran a mock campaign for the presidency on the "Anti-Bunk" ticket.  He declared himself the winner, and resigned the same day.

The famous "I never met a man I didn't like" was a reference to Leon Trotsky.

While best known for his speaking voice, he made over 30 silent films.

A genuine hero.  Wiki is HERE

Snapshot circa 1939 of the tiny Will Rogers house welcomes visitors to his hometown.  Collection Jim Linderman.

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