Daguerre's American Legacy on Exhibit

A trip to France may not be in my cards, but then it IS fitting this landmark  exhibit is located in the town from which Louis J. M. Daguerre hails.   It will also be documented in the new book Daguerre's American Legacy: Photographic Portraits 1840-1900 as well…and it is reviewed in the newest issue of the Photogram, the Michigan Photographic Historical Society Newsletter from where these images come.  The Book, the Show and the Newsletter are all wonderful and recommended.

Wm. B. Becker is the founder of the American Museum of Photography, is a multiple Emmy winner and a collector fortunate to have started his collection 40 years ago. Co-Curated by 

Professor Francois Brunet of the University of Paris. 

Follow the links above for more information!

Subscriptions to the Photogram are available HERE.

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