Physical Culture the Macfadden Way Digital Media and Preserving the Past

I have written about nutty eccentric and WAY before his time Bernarr MacFadden before, and will link at the end of this post, but for now let's just thank the Digital repository at Ball State University.  They have done us all a great service by scanning these fantastic covers of a magazine which ran for decades but are now literally dissolving through acid paper and neglect.  Remember, those who ignore the past will regret the future.

Unlike Google's various aborted, legal ensnared and poorly organized attempts to raid the world's printed legacy in order to gain marketing data on you...Ball State isn't going to collect your search results when you look at their collection, nor will you see advertisements for products which a robot has determined you are searching for.  (You should see MY spam)

By the way, I think the first cover here is one of the earliest fake "Before and After" scams!

My earlier post on health guru Bernarr MacFadden is HERE

Covers are copyright Physical Culture Publishing Co. (various years) and the images come from the Ball State University Digital Media Repository.


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