The REAL Lion King is GAY Mr. Gay, Numa, Pluto and Charlie Chaplin

Mr. Gay mounts up Pluto the lion here at Gay's Lion Farm in El Monte, California.  Mr. Gay seems a lot more gay than the lion…but then the only work he is doing is wielding a riding crop.  (Actually, I believe, a "quirt" but let's call it a whip)  Gay's farm was some 15 miles north of LA and he supplied the movie business with lions. 

Puto was the grandson of Numa, a famous lion now stuffed.  Well, back in 1930 stuffed, but Numa is probably no more.  Numa worked with Charlie Chaplin (!)  At one time, Gay's farm had TWO HUNDRED LIONS. 

A film of Mr. Gay in action (sorta) is shown below.

Real Photo Postcard Mr. Gay and Pluto the Lion collection Jim Linderman

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  1. How cool, now that is the kind of business I would love ... but I'm sure the chickens wouldn't. And Tattered & Lost is right, that lion does not look unhappy. I wonder what ever happened to Mr. Gay.
