Tour de Wichita The Great Kansas Bicycle Race collection Jim Linderman

Okay, so there are no hills (and the trail looks straight as a preacher) but still excitement abounds at the Wichita Eagle Bicycle Pageant!

MAN DOWN!  Flat tire anyway.  Lucky he has professional assistance to get back into the race.  No steroids here.  In fact, I doubt many of them have even dropped their voices yet!  

The Wichita Eagle, the local newspaper, sponsored the event, so I am going to guess these are the newspaper delivery squad, and some of those hats might even be made from "extra" newspapers...which as I recall from my paperboy days didn't really mean extra, it meant I missed someone.  Well...they'll let the paper know.

Set of original snapshot photographs, circa 1920  The Wichita Eagle Bicycle Pageant Collection Jim Linderman

See Jim Linderman Ebooks for purchase HERE

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