C-Monster My Favorite Art Critic in the World, C-Mon Chases Fame (and Google)

I don't post enough about people I admire ( and rely on) as often as I should. The post below is cribbed from the outstanding, required, essential, growing and FABULOUS contemporary art survey blog C-Monster.net. and while not a characteristic post, it is delightful and I thought I'd share it.

Normally, C-Mon who writes under a real name as well (including significant cover stories for Art News and such) is one of the busiest art writers around, and she literally travels the world for unusual takes on the contemporary art climate. She is adventurous...and fearless. Insightful, hilarious, serious, well-informed, opinionated, lively, colorful...I'm just getting started. I could provide her real name, but anyone smart enough to follow the real art world at the doorstep of the museum should find it easy enough.

The site's links alone are art gold. She has entertained me for a long time, and has been my eyes in the Art World since I left New York City, and believe me, she is a comer She has a couple of other high-profile gigs which you will come to understand if you follow her regularly.

C-Monster.net is a daily visit for me. If you like any of my "nearly art" sites, you will love her 'REAL" art site, and l will personally give a free t-shirt to anyone (within reason) who doesn't agree it is a great, important and worthy site to follow.

(Offer limited to 5 free t-shirts, and I don't expect to have to mail out even one.)

My 15 Nanoseconds of Fame

Cruising in Brooklyn

I made it onto Google Street View while riding my bike in the vicinity of the Brooklyn Museum. (Full disclosure: I saw the Google car and followed it for a few of blocks because that’s the kind of cheap, internet fame whore I am. Sorry, Joerg.) The whole thing inspired me to look up some of the addresses I’d lived in over the course of my life on GSV— the vast majority of which aren’t online because my family had a penchant for inhabiting incredibly bizarre, out-of-the-way places. It was a trip back in time, except it wasn’t, because I’m seeing all of these spots in the pseudo-present. (A selection: the place I was born in, the road leading to the house we lived in when I was 10, the donut shop where I used to ditch high school English class and the college dorm that was the site of various inebriated indiscretions.) Which brings me to this highly interesting essay — which I discovered by way of Conscientious — about photography in the age of GSV.

Excerpt from the June 13, 2011 C-Monster.net HERE


  1. ha! you are so nice!!! and so you know, it's a fake art site. every last word of it...
