Luc Sante on Real Photo Postcards: The New School Lecture

I might be a little slow on the draw here, but The Parson's Department of Photography at the New School has loaded Luc Sante's lecture on Real Photo Postcards given in conjunction with publication of his book Folk Photography: The American Real-Photo Postcard. The link here is a rare opportunity to watch and hear an entire lecture by an important scholar (and see plenty of the images from his book) Link and text following is provided by Exposures, the Aperture blog. The video is presented in two parts.

As part of the Parsons Department of Photography at The New School Lecture Series, writer and critic Luc Sante gave a talk at Aperture Gallery last November on his new book, Folk Photography: The American Real-Photo Postcard, 1905–1930, which was recently excerpted in Aperture magazine, Issue 196. The full version of this talk is now available to view on our multimedia page divided in two parts.

This clip below is an excerpt from the event where Luc Sante explains how he started collecting postcards thirty years ago. He then reads the introduction to his book going through the development of photo postcards with the dissemination of pocket cameras in the first half of the 20th century and the particular style of this non-academic American vernacular art.

To watch the full version, click on these links below:

Part 1, Part 2

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