Things to Make


  1. One important component seems to be missing. Ummm, where's the bathroom?

  2. Don't you know that Americans in the 50's didn't believe in body functions?

  3. hey jim - this is cool find + Maureen is right on.
    And i already miss Up The Country. alex

  4. The civil defense booklet these images came from (The Family Fallout Shelter) describes different ways to improvise a bathroom. On page 18 is says "After the family has settled in the shelter, the housekeeping rules should be spelled out by the adult in charge. Sanitation in the confines of the family shelter will require much thought and planning. Provision for emergency toilet facilities and disposal of human wastes will be an unfamiliar problem. A covered container such as a kitchen garbage pail might do as a toilet. A 10-gallon garbage can, with a tightly fitting cover, could be used to keep the wastes until it is safe to leave the shelter."
