Untitled (ghoul)

Untitled (detail) c. 1930 Collection Jim Linderman


  1. I just saw her on her way to the parade tonight!

  2. Mr. Linderman,
    Concerning your photo, "Untitled (detail) c. 1930", I'm pretty certain its a still from the opening sequence of the film, CRIME WITHOUT PASSION, 1934 (starring the impeccably immoral Claude Rains). Slavko Vorkapich created this introduction, which depicts the seductive powers of the Furies in one of cinema history's finer introductions. If you enter "Crime Without Passion" for a search at YOUTUBE.COM you'll find a number of versions of this opening. I think you'll recognize the woman in the photo from among the Three Furies.
    I've been enjoying the arcane associations I've discovered within your blog very much. Where did you chance upon the photo?
    Greetings from New Orleans,
    Samuel Spangler

  3. Oh, that's GREAT. I'll have a look, and thanks so much for taking the time to provide the information. Much appreciated. (Arcane associations) NICE. Feel free to share.

  4. I posted the original clip SS. Boy...Do YOU have an eye. Thanks again.
