David Slayeth Goliath with his Glow Stick (A SUPER-GLO PICTURE)

I hope some kind of 50's radiation hasn't messed up my scanner here, I tried to "glow" them but the chemicals are all used up. Glow-in-the-dark products contain phosphors. A phosphor is a substance that radiates visible light after being energized. They are photoluminescent...that is energized by light. Still seems like a miracle to me. In the Bible story, little David takes the sword from Goliath and cuts off his head. That seems kinda brutal...all this time I just thought he bopped him in the noggin with a pebble from his "old-style" slingshot.

"SUPER-GLO" Picture Card (EXPOSE TO LIGHT-SEE IT GLOW IN THE DARK) circa 1950 Collection Jim Linderman

1 comment:

  1. Actually, David did kill Goliath with the slingshot, and then cut his head off with Goliath's sword. You know. Just to make sure. :)
